Functional Neurology Rehab and Adjustments

Functional Neurology Rehab and Adjustments: A Comprehensive Guide

Functional neurology rehab, also known as functional neurology chiropractic care, is a specialized area of healthcare that focuses on the relationship between the brain and body. This approach is based on the principle that the brain is capable of change, and by stimulating specific areas of the brain, we can improve overall function and quality of life.

Understanding Functional Neurology Rehab

Functional neurology rehab is based on the concept of neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This means that the brain can adapt and change in response to stimuli, such as sensory input or physical activity.

The Role of Adjustments

Adjustments are a key component of functional neurology rehab. These adjustments are gentle manipulations of the spine or other joints that are designed to improve alignment and function. By correcting misalignments, or subluxations, in the spine, adjustments can help to restore proper nervous system function and improve overall health and well-being.

Conditions Treated

Functional neurology rehab can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including:

Benefits of Functional Neurology Rehab

There are many benefits to functional neurology rehab, including:

Why Choose Theracave for Functional Neurology Rehab?

At Theracave, we offer comprehensive functional neurology rehab services, including adjustments, to help you improve your brain function and overall health. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care, using the latest techniques and technology to help you achieve your health goals.

If you're interested in learning more about functional neurology rehab and how it can benefit you, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you improve your brain function and overall quality of life!