Hip Pain

Hip Pain in Fort Lauderdale

At our practice in Fort Lauderdale, we understand the debilitating impact that hip pain can have on your daily life. Whether you're a young athlete, an active adult, or an older individual, hip pain can significantly affect your mobility and quality of life. That's why we're dedicated to providing you with the most effective treatments to alleviate your hip pain and restore your mobility.

Understanding Hip Pain

Hip pain can arise from a variety of causes, including injury, overuse, arthritis, or structural abnormalities. Common symptoms of hip pain include discomfort in the hip joint, groin, thigh, or buttocks, as well as stiffness and difficulty walking or performing daily activities.

Causes of Hip Pain


Injuries to the hip, such as strains, sprains, or fractures, can cause acute hip pain. These injuries often result from falls, sports activities, or accidents.


Overuse of the hip joint, especially in athletes or individuals who engage in repetitive activities, can lead to hip pain. This can result from activities such as running, cycling, or prolonged sitting.


Arthritis is a common cause of chronic hip pain, especially in older adults. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other forms of arthritis can cause inflammation and damage to the hip joint, leading to pain and stiffness.

Structural Abnormalities

Structural abnormalities in the hip joint, such as hip dysplasia or femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), can cause hip pain. These conditions can affect the shape of the hip joint, leading to abnormal wear and tear and pain.

Diagnosing Hip Pain

To determine the cause of your hip pain, our team in Fort Lauderdale will perform a thorough evaluation, including a physical exam, imaging tests, and possibly lab tests. This will help us diagnose the underlying cause of your hip pain and develop an effective treatment plan.

Treating Hip Pain

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is often a key component of hip pain treatment. Our therapists in Fort Lauderdale will develop a customized exercise program to strengthen the muscles around your hip joint, improve flexibility, and reduce pain.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, can help reduce inflammation and pain in the hip joint. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be recommended to reduce inflammation.


In severe cases of hip pain, surgery may be necessary to repair damaged tissues or replace the hip joint. Our team will discuss surgical options with you and help you determine the best course of action.

Preventing Hip Pain

To prevent hip pain, it's important to maintain a healthy weight, engage in regular exercise to strengthen the muscles around your hip joint, and practice good posture and body mechanics.

In conclusion, hip pain can significantly impact your quality of life, but with the right treatment, you can find relief. Our team in Fort Lauderdale is dedicated to helping you overcome hip pain and regain your mobility. If you're suffering from hip pain, don't hesitate to contact us for an evaluation. Together, we can create a treatment plan that's tailored to your needs and helps you get back to doing the things you love.